Whilst our mission field is the St Matthews Estate in Leicester, we pray and support financially overseas missionaries who have been called overseas to make disciples of Jesus Christ to unreached people groups. We are overjoyed to partner with them in God's mission to bring his Kingdom to the nations.

We are delighted to partner with Simon, Miriam and Sienna Desborough as they mobilise the Church in Madagascar, reach the unreached Karana people and serve vulnerable women with the love of Jesus. See here or here to find out more.

THE leprosy mission
We are avid supporters of the work of the Leprosy Mission, especially keeping a close attention of their work in Nepal as they seek to develop treatments in Anandaban Hospital for those affected with leprosy.

European mission fellowship
EMF regularly update us with their work, and we are very happy to support in prayer their efforts helping pastors and seminary students in Ukraine.